Fortress Castel Sant’Angelo

Walls of the Castel Sant'Angelo

Walls of the Castel Sant’Angelo

Castles, wherever they are built are usually the abode of kings or emperors. This is where they usually live and work. However, there is another function of castles which are quite common, and that is for defense. Most castles are sturdily built and thus serve as a good point for defense. After all, enemies usually attack to capture the king so it makes sense to have tall and solid walls for a castle.

Cannons and Cannonballs at Castel Sant'Angelo

Cannons and Cannonballs at Castel Sant’Angelo

The Castel Sant’Angelo, while originally a tomb for Emperor Hadrian has become the abode of popes afterwards. One look at Castel Sant’Angelo and you would think that this is a fortress, and you are not wrong. The Castel Sant’Angelo has facilities for defence as well as offense. This is where the popes live so it makes sense to be able to repel enemy attack. It is also said that there is a tunnel linking Saint Peter’s Basilica with Castel Sant’Angelo. One part of the structure seems to be built with defense in mind. There were cannonballs and cannons positioned on the walls. There were also small portholes where archers and attack any aggressors.

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