Outdoor Sculpture in Murano

Sculpture by Dale Chihuly in Murano Island

Sculpture by Dale Chihuly in Murano Island

I always imagine Europe to be a place full of culture. It won’t be surprising to see random works of art all over the place. Back where I came from, you would be hard pressed to find places like these. Murano is thoroughly European and I was pleasantly surprised to see works of art here. Normally you would see these in public places such as parks. Here in Murano, they would be exhibiting their specialty, glass making. It was then that we came across some interesting works of art. Probably one of the more interesting-looking one was a blue glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly.

Small Canal In Murano Island

Small Canal In Murano Island

Now, Dale Chihuly doesn’t really sound like an Italian name as I was expecting someone from the local community to have made something like this. Dale Chihuly is an American glass sculptor and he has a large star like sculpture on display in Murano. The sculpture is almost alien like and hard to describe as with a lot of modern art. He came to Murano to see how the locals did their glass blowing. I don’t know how much of an impression he made but he seems to have been deemed worthy of having his sculpture displayed here.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/MuranoIsland.kmz} zoom=19]