La Légende des Chevaliers

Entering the Performance Area of the La Légende des Chevaliers in Provins

Entering the Performance Area of the La Légende des Chevaliers in Provins

I wasn’t exactly prepared for what we were going to do next. After a nice lunch, we were starting our next activity. Earlier in the day, when we were making our way to the tourist information center. We noticed a castle looking thing beyond a wooden fence. It seems like there are regular performances here in these grounds. I don’t normally like going to these kinds of performances much more pay for them but I think it suited our schedule just fine. I always thought these things we touristy and usually shied away from them. Unfortunately, my companions seem to be keen on them so we might as well watch it.

A Lady in Full Costume at the La Légende des Chevaliers in Provins

A Lady in Full Costume at the La Légende des Chevaliers in Provins

There are multiple performances throughout the day so you could always come and watch the next performance. When we first passed by the gate was still closed but by the time we had our lunch the gate was fully open and there were already a lot of people inside. It feels like a medieval fair with horses and people in medieval costumes. I do not know much about the story of medieval Provins or France for that matter, I guess this is time for use to find out more about it. The La Légende des Chevaliers is about to start.

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