Train from Paris to Provins

Modern Interiors of the Train from Paris to Provins

Modern Interiors of the Train from Paris to Provins

I never really planned that much to visit France but my friends were very excited to come to this part of the world that the wanted to be able to visit a few countries. I knew that was a bad idea as it would require a lot of travel in and out of the countries. I would have much preferred to visit a single country and just go around it for a couple of weeks. In the end they won, but I did have a huge say on the places we were visiting. I make it a point to visit UNESCO World heritage sites whenever I go on holiday and Paris seems to have a few nearby. Provins was one of this places but I didn’t have much information about it. Fortunately, it still made the itinerary.

Train from Paris to Provins

Train from Paris to Provins

We are taking the train from Paris to the Provins, a medieval town outside of Paris. The Gare de l’Est Railway Station is where we took our train. The train was quite modern but it was not the high speed train that I was hoping for. Fortunately, the train we were taking was not bad at all. It was very clean and it feels like an airplane. The seats here were facing the front and rear of the train so it is possible to sit in groups of four. Nice if you are traveling as a group. The train wasn’t meant to be for standing as the seat layout limits the number of people standing along the aisles. It is very different from the metro train which I have seen in Asia.

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