Jardins du Trocadero

Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero Gardens

Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero Gardens

I was amazed at the sight of the Eiffel Tower before me. The Eiffel Tower is probably one of the first global monuments which I can remember from young. I remember watching documentaries talking about this tower and I was amazed just looking at it. It is hard to believe that it is standing there right in front of me. There was a handy platform where you can admire the Eiffel Tower and unsurprisingly, people were taking advantage of this to take photos. There were the usual wacky poses like having the tower on the palm of your hand and similar poses. However, there was another interesting landmark that sits in front of us – the Trocadero Gardens.

Powerful Jets of Water at the Trocadero Gardens

Powerful Jets of Water at the Trocadero Gardens

The Trocadero Gardens or Jardins du Trocadero is a large garden which sits at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. It borders the river Siene and makes for a perfect introduction to the Eiffel Tower. There were massive jets of water coming from the furthest end of the pool and it was shooting water in the direction of the Eiffel Tower. The water in the air cools the local weather and makes for a pleasant stroll. Just be careful not to be downwind as you might get a soaking.

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