Arrival at Tarragona

Railway at Tarragona

Railway at Tarragona

The trip to Tarragona from Barcelona was uneventful. It took us just over an hour to get here and I was pleased that we were able to navigate like this. Upon approach of the city of Tarragona, we already saw the sea. Tarragona is known for the quality of its beaches, however, we won’t be going to any of them. Perhaps I would drop by the next time I wander into this area. The train station of Tarragona isn’t really very big. There wasn’t any information counter either but there was a map which we can follow to go to the places of interest. The intention was to follow the map to get to the information counter, that fountain of knowledge. In the end, we got lost and didn’t find the intended tourist information counter.

Railway and the Sea at Tarragona

Railway and the Sea at Tarragona

We ended up following the railway back up the coast, where we would follow the highway. We got a good view of the railway as well as the sea here. It wasn’t blue skies here but you can already see how beautiful the water here is. This is probably the first time I set my eyes on the Mediterranean. There is also a linear park along the beach where residents can enjoy themselves. I couldn’t see how to get there though since the railway was in the way.

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