Virgin of Montserrat

Virgin of Montserrat

Virgin of Montserrat

We finally arrived at the inner sanctuary of the Santa Maria de Montserrat Basilica. Here is housed the image of the Virgin of Montserrat or as the basilica’s name implies Santa Maria de Montserrat. The image of the virgin Mary is the subject of veneration by the people of Catalonia that she is patron saint of Catalonia. The image is also called the Black Madonna, because of the color of the image. The origins of the statue is hazy but it said that the image was carved in Jerusalem more at around the 8th century, but other accounts say 12th century. I am not aware of any efforts to accurate date the statue.

Beautiful Chamber for the Virgin of Montserrat

Beautiful Chamber for the Virgin of Montserrat

The Virgin of Montserrat sits at the a very special place in the basilica, where she can see the congregation. I would only find out late that the statue is at the very center of the basilica above the altar. The image itself is enclosed in glass apart from the hand for veneration purposes. There is a place where the faithful can venerate and ask for intercession. There was a steady stream of visitors here so it is not easy to linger here. Most people would be praying for a bit then take photos afterwards.

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