Hedge Maze at the Alcazar de Segovia

Hedge Maze at the Alcazar de Segovia

Hedge Maze at the Alcazar de Segovia

I was admiring the view from the Alcazar de Segovia when I forgot that I was already at an upper level of the castle. Though the castle isn’t exactly very tall. It is in a high enough location that you can see the surrounding area. If you were below the castle you would have seen an amazing sight. I would recommended visitors to try to be here when the sun has gone down. The alcazar is lit up and it would be very beautiful see. Alas, I didn’t have time to find the way down to the highway below which seems to be the best spot to look at the castle. There was another surprise when I look down below. There were a small hedge maze in the castle grounds.

View from the Alcazar de Segovia

View from the Alcazar de Segovia

I have heard of hedge mazes and always had the impression that it was a European thing. The alcazar de Segovia has a small hedge maze but I can’t seem to see how one can get to it. It is possible that visitors can only look at it but not visit it. Upon closer inspection of the maze you can see that it is not really a maze since there wasn’t much to solve. There didn’t seem to be any path to the center area. Which makes me wonder how the hedges in this area get trimmed. Maybe the hedges weren’t really that tall so trimmers would just step over them.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kmz/AlcazardeSegovia.kmz} zoom=19]