View of Toledo from the Historic City of Toledo

View of the Rest of the City of Toledo

View of the Rest of the City of Toledo

The Historic City of Toledo is a UNESCO World heritage site which is built on top of a small hill. It is bounded on one side by a river, giving it some natural barrier. To visit the historic city, you need to either drive up to the historic center or just walk your way up. There are benefits to walking your way up. You get to see more of the historic city up close and not from the comfort of your car or bus. Although much of the road up the city center just follows the road which is also open to vehicular traffic. The road also winds its way up and around the hill which Toledo is built on. Along the way, I chanced upon part of the road which seems to have a viewing area. It was probably more of a sidewalk so people can walk on them to avoid vehicular traffic.

Viewpoint at the Historic City of Toledo

Viewpoint at the Historic City of Toledo

I was pleased to see that from this point, you can get a very good view of the modern city of Toledo. Which wasn’t really that far. Much of the old city was built on the hill leaving space only below and around the hill. From here you can easily see how similar the houses are and I am not talking about the historic city but the more modern ones. The colors are very similar you would think that it was planned. Perhaps it is, in the name of tourism. There weren’t a lot of tall buildings here and I think that was planned as well. A very tall hotel would have been an eyesore, which can be see from this viewing point. From here, I can also see that I had already covered quite a bit of distance from the train station. I just need to remember the way back when I need to head back there.

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