Small Shops at the Hill of Tara

A Row of Shops at the Hill of Tara

A Row of Shops at the Hill of Tara

With all the interesting places to see in Ireland, it was quite a wonder that there weren’t a cluster of souvenir shops around the area. I was at the Newgrange Stone Age Passage Tomb and I thought it is probably the number one attraction of Ireland, however, there was a single souvenir/book shop at the visitor center. Here at the Hill of Tara there seem to be a bit more, but not a a lot either. There were this large souvenir shop which was selling all sorts of interesting souvenir items. It was very interesting to walk around the store and I thought that the souvenirs weren’t that tacky at all.

The Old Book Shop at the Hill of Tara

The Old Book Shop at the Hill of Tara

The other shop in the area was The Old Book Shop. It was in a tiny stone house which is a treasure trove of old book, Irish or otherwise. It would be great to spend a few hours in this shop to browse through what they have. For people interested in Irish literature, this would be a great find. I wasn’t surprised that our tour guide highly recommended the shop for book lovers. The books here were priced reasonably and I would have probably found something interesting here as well. The owner didn’t seem to mind the people milling about the cramped shop but he seemed to be a jolly fellow.

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