Bus to Newgrange

Frosty Grass at the Newgrange Visitor Center Bus Station

Frosty Grass at the Newgrange Visitor Center Bus Station

Our good tour guide warned us to make sure to catch the bus to Newgrange, if we miss the bus then we won’t be able to visit Newgrange. This was repeated over and over to all members of the tour group. I head on out to the bus even though it wasn’t time for us to go. I wanted to take some photos of the bridge and river nearby. The frost on the ground made it a little slippery, fortunately, there was no incident. At the end of the trail, there was a clearing, presumably where the buses will be coming.

Bus at the Newgrange Visitor Center Bus Station

Bus at the Newgrange Visitor Center Bus Station

It seems that visitors will be herded off to the site in batches to prevent overcrowding. There was no shortage of buses either as they seemed to have together. There buses were disappointingly old. The seem to work but barely. There was no heating in the buses either and the windows were all fogged up because it was too cold inside. There were enough buses for everybody so there wasn’t really any real rush to get there. I guess what was important was that all the tour group members come back at the same time so we can leave on time.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Newgrange.kmz} zoom=19]