Saint Stephen’s Green Shopping Center

Beautiful Interiors of the Saint Stephen's Green Shopping Center in Dublin

Beautiful Interiors of the Saint Stephen’s Green Shopping Center in Dublin

The rain doesn’t show any sign of letting up. The Diwali Indian Restaurant was no longer accepting customers as they are closed for the afternoon. I took this as a sign to move since I was freeloading on their heating. This area is a very attractive commercial area, I would like to walk around and see what is on sale but the rain was ruining the mood. I kept walking around the area until I finally saw a large building. It was a shopping mall! Or rather at shopping center. It wasn’t as massive as the shopping malls in Singapore or Manila but it looked nice. This was the Saint Stephen’s Green Shopping Center. It was named after the nearby Saint Stephen’s Green park, which I have yet to visit. It wait out the rain, I decided to stay inside the Saint Stephen’s Green Shopping Center for a while until it gets better.

Christmas Decorations in Saint Stephen's Green Shopping Center in Dublin

Christmas Decorations in Saint Stephen’s Green Shopping Center in Dublin

The Saint Stephen’s Green Shopping Center is quite an attractive shopping center. It is not one of those ultra modern shopping malls found in Asia, but this one kind of tries to blend in with the surroundings. The shopping area here is very classy and it follows this style. Inside was also a treat, the roof was transparent, and it will let the sunlight in during those rare days where there is sunlight. At least for me I can tell whether it was still raining outside or not. There were beautiful Christmas decorations in the mall and it fits with the rest of the building. The shops were okay though I didn’t really find anything interesting to buy here. There was a food area but it seemed to be occupied by some Chinese buffet, maybe next time I can try that, though I wasn’t really keeping my hopes up on that.

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