Going to O’Connell Street

Elegant Building at O'Connell Street

Elegant Building at O’Connell Street

Before I go on trips, I make sure to try to do a little bit of research on the destination I go to. This used to be done by purchasing guidebooks but now, there is the internet and information is just a click away. With the advent of smartphones, it has even become more ubiquitous. I managed to get an app which was specifically for exploring Dublin. It was actually quite convenient as it would list down the places which people would recommend visiting. One of these places was O’Connell Street. Every major city probably has a significant street or two. I have been to numerous Asian cities and most of the do have major streets. These streets are usually turned into shopping streets, so I wasn’t really surprised to see Dublin’s major street also a shopping street.

The Spire of Dublin at O'Connell Street

The Spire of Dublin at O’Connell Street

The bus dropped me somewhere near the Spire of Dublin, which happens to be at O’Connell Street. I was under the impression that I would have to get off at the bus station, but when people started getting of somewhere near the spire and decided to get off as well. I can’t be looking at my map all the time, right? Although GPS does help immensely when you are still trying to get your bearings at a new location. I would take me a while to get my bearings so I can probably start at exploring one of the most important streets in Dublin – O’Connell Street.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/O’ConnellStreet.kmz} zoom=19]