Desolate Landscape at Horn Head

Sheer Cliffs at Horn Head

Sheer Cliffs at Horn Head

I was dragged to go hillwalking before I was actually ready for it. The path in Horn Head was decent enough. It was a dirt path which seems go all the way to the cliffs ahead. The path itself was a very rough with a lot of loose rocks and uneven surfaces. This made walking on the path extremely difficult. I had to catch myself several times as I would lose my balance and almost twist my ankle because the rocks suddenly moved. Add the incredibly powerful wind that was always knocking us off balance further heightening the difficulty of this walk. I remember that my friend was saying that this was a “super easy” walk, and probably wouldn’t even rank anywhere in his previous walk. I was thinking to myself, if this was easy, how difficult is “difficult”?

Ruins of a House at Horn Head

Ruins of a House at Horn Head

The way was quite well marked but along the way I would see beautiful seascapes, basically cliffs which drop 20-30 meters below. The seas were likewise rough giving this place a sense of desolation. I was thinking to myself what I was doing in a place like this. The wind was extremely powerful and it was also cold. Fortunately, my jacket was able to ward off most of the cold though I needed to keep my hands in my pockets all the time, that is when I wasn’t holding my camera. At the end of our trail, there were ruins of a house which used to be there. There roof is long gone and all that is left are parts of the wall which I used to shield against the powerful. With winds as powerful as these, who would dare build a house here?

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