Grianan of Aileach Thoughts

The Entrance to the Grianan of Aileach

The Entrance to the Grianan of Aileach

I was thrilled to be able to visit a centuries old monument such as this. I have grown up seeing photos of the Stonehenge and was thinking how interesting it would be to visit that place. The Grianan of Aileach is not as old as the Stonehenge but it can satisfy my cravings for such places. The stone fort is solidly built and it still stands as a relic of a bygone era. The kings of Aileach are now long gone but they have left marks of their kingdom in the form of these structures. There were probably more structures inside the fort but they are long gone and all that is left is a grassy patch.

Desolation at the Grianan of Aileach

Desolation at the Grianan of Aileach

The gloomy weather of that day only serves to further heighten that feeling of desolation this place must have felt back then. In this era of cars, it was easy enough to get here, however it must have been much much more difficult to get here back then. Somehow, I have a small idea of how it felt back then. The rain finally let loose and we were stuck at the fort. The only place for shelter there was the entrance itself. Fortunately, there was four meters of stone to shelter us. However, the stone cannot shelter us from the cold wind the was blowing through the entrance. It really makes you wonder whether building the fort here of all places was a good idea in the first place.

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