Going to the Lakeview Tower 望海楼

View from the Lakeview Tower 望海楼 at Chongsheng Temple 崇圣寺

View from the Lakeview Tower 望海楼 at Chongsheng Temple 崇圣寺

When I saw my destination from the Acuoye Guanyin pavilion, I found my energy to continue on. It really did seem like a non stop parade of halls here at the Chongsheng Temple. It is really impressive that all of this was reconstructed fairly recently. From the pavilion I was able to see the Lakeview Tower 望海楼. I don’t think I need any introduction as to what the purpose of the tower was. All I know is that this was the last tower.

Lakeview Tower 望海楼 at Chongsheng Temple 崇圣寺

Lakeview Tower 望海楼 at Chongsheng Temple 崇圣寺

The tower itself is the highest point of the Chongsheng Temple Park and sits at the foot of the beautiful Cangshan Mountain range. It is really impressive how they planned all of this way back then. The Chongsheng Temple was the royal temple for the Nanzhao Kingdom and its successor, the Kingdom of Dali. I suppose they have some extra material to build a viewing deck for visitors to come.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ChongshengTemplePark.kmz} zoom=19]