Inside the Hall of the Heavenly King 天王殿

Magnificent Statue at the Hall of the Heavenly King 天王殿

Magnificent Statue at the Hall of the Heavenly King 天王殿

The Hall of the Heavenly King is undoubtedly one of the more important halls here in the Chongsheng Temple, after all if you named the hall after the Heavenly King, can anything else be more important? As it turns out, the Heavenly King is Heavenly Kings. There are actually four of them, each of them serving one of the four cardinal directions. The Kings here serve and protect Buddha himself.

Statues Inside the Hall of the Heavenly King 天王殿

Statues Inside the Hall of the Heavenly King 天王殿

As one would expect, the Hall of the Heavenly King is populated by the statues of the four Heavenly Kings forming a very impressive quartet. I sure I have seen statues of these four elsewhere since they don’t seem to impress me that much anymore. The statues seems to be well polished a testament to how new this place is. Sometimes I really think that looking “old” is still much better.

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