Thoughts on Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Gate at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Gate at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

It was my last night at Lijiang Ancient Town and I was already thinking about the trouble to move to another city after Lijiang. It was a pity that I didn’t come here on the move optimal season of autumn but alas, this was the only time I got. I have to keep reminding myself that the best time to go is autumn for a large part of China. The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain will be fabulous during this time and I don’t want to spend money going up now. I was worried I will be disappointed with the mountain much like the Shika Snow Mountain in Shangrila.

Old Street at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Old Street at Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古城

Even Shika Snow Mountain has a lot of plasces to see other than the mountain itself. I was curious about Blue Moon Valley and again, it is best visited during the fall. I really like this region as it is much like Sichuan province. The character of this place is really different from the rest of the country. Probably the mountains have something to do with it. I like to visit this province again some day and I certainly don’t mind dropping by Lijiang while doing it.

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