Exploring the Baishuitai Terraces

Local Tourists Up Close with the Baishuitai Terraces

Local Tourists Up Close with the Baishuitai Terraces

There was a lady on top of the Baishuitai limestone terraces who was offering to guide me around the area. The top really is quite small so there wasn’t really much point hiring a guide when you can see everything for yourself. The main terrace area is fenced of, rightly so, since it would be bad for the formation to have tourists trampling over what mother nature spent thousands of years to build. I was then surprised to see a couple in the fenced off area. Apparently for a mere CNY 50, they give you the privilege of ruining mother nature’s work.

Another Formation at Baishuitai 白水台

Another Formation at Baishuitai 白水台

Okay, they weren’t really going in a destroying stuff. They were merely taking photos of each other with the terraces, but the fact remains that the more human activity this place sees the less we would see of the terraces. Who is to say that the older dried up formations weren’t the result of man’s intervention? Though I was dying for a chance to go in a take photos, I’d rather taking photos from afar, hopefully they will be good enough.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Baishuitai.kmz} zoom=19]