From the Songzanlin Temple 松赞林寺 Platform

View from the Top of the Songzanlin Temple 松赞林寺

View from the Top of the Songzanlin Temple 松赞林寺

I spent some time just appreciating the view from the Songzanlin Temple. It seems that civilization was so far away. Actually, it would take around an hour to walk back to the city, but it was good enough to get that feeling of isolation. I was thinking to myself that this may yet be why they decided to name this place Shangrila. I oozes with hoarmonious living with nature and it as a Tibetan temple to boot! The green countryside goes as far as the eye can see. The city seems to be hidden behind some mountains and you can barely see it. From here you can see most of the Songzanlin Temple complex. It is really quite large and it may take a while to explore this place.

There is Still More to Go

There is Still More to Go

The sun wasn’t hot and the weather was very pleasant, I took my sweater just in case the weather changes drastically. This is my kind of vacation, for once I have nothing to worry about or maybe it is that I just involve myself in my work too much. If there is a place I would want to get lost in, this would be a very good place to start. Such is the inspiring beauty and peace that this place evokes. Add to that that the rest of China doesn’t seem to know about this place yet so there can be times when it would feel that it is just you and the monastery.

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