Lunch at a Fishing Village at Perhentian Kecil

Fried Rice and Calamari For Lunch at Perhentian Kecil

Fried Rice and Calamari For Lunch at Perhentian Kecil

Our boatman was asking us if we preferred to go snorkeling or just go for an early lunch. We had so much fun snorkeling that we have completely forgot about lunch. It was almost noon time and the sun was very hot. We decided that it was time to take a break from all that snorkeling and go for lunch. We then head to a small fishing village at Perhentian Kecil where we are supposed to have our lunch. I was a little surprised to know that lunch wasn’t covered in our tour, then again, I don’t think food is going to be that expensive here. There was a small eatery with a table underneath the coconut trees. I guess this is our restaurant. They have an English menu which was perfect since half of the passenger cannot speak Malay. I would probably be able to figure out Malay dishes since I am quite familiar with a few of them.

Stir Fried Beef at Perhentian Kecil

Stir Fried Beef at Perhentian Kecil

The food here wasn’t really anything special, I was thinking that I would be nice to order some seafood since this would be fresh from the sea. So I ordered my calamari which was visually appealing. I can tell since everyone else was looking at my food with envy. The calamari wasn’t very tasty anyway so they didn’t miss anything. I couldn’t tell if the squid was fresh either since it was deep fried. The other tourists ordered their own food and seemed to be okay with it. The menu wasn’t too foreign to me and it is also possible that the menu was catered to suit foreigners’ tastes. We spent most of the early afternoon under the shade of the coconut tree since snorkeling in that kind of heat would be bad for you.

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