Getting Ready for Island Hopping

Small Speed Boat at Coral Bay in Perhentian Kecil

Small Speed Boat at Coral Bay in Perhentian Kecil

We head back to our cottage for a while to get ready for our island hopping tour. I didn’t know if I was excited or not. I didn’t really look forward to swimming since I wasn’t really a very good swimmer. However, the chance to be able to do something out of the ordinary has me looking forward to it. We employed the services of a local restaurant/resort/tour operator. We managed to get one for the price of MYR 60 for a whole day’s trip, I think that was a decent price. The tour won’t be starting yet, the operators told us to drop by ten minutes before nine. I foolishly did not bring sunblock (again), knowing that we would be coming to a beach. I will surely be sunburnt today, hopefully the boat has shade.

Coconut Tree Looking at the Deep Blue Sea at Perhentian Kecil

Coconut Tree Looking at the Deep Blue Sea at Perhentian Kecil

Time came for us to assemble and it seems to have a fair number of foreign participants, us included. At least everyone spoke English so communication is not a problem. Everyone was very friendly which put me at ease. We gathered to pick up our flippers for our use in the island hopping tour. We were also provided diving mask and a snorkel. I dreaded using these things since I was not comfortable using the snorkel. I was more at ease with just breathing the normal way, that is surfacing for air. Then again, I would waste a lot of effort to breathe when the snorkel can help keep my head in the water for an indefinite amount of time. Most importantly, I got a life vest, can’t leave land without it.

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