Deluge of Fish at Long Beach in Perhentian Kecil

Fish in the Crystal Clear Water at Long Beach in Perhentian Kecil

Fish in the Crystal Clear Water at Long Beach in Perhentian Kecil

We were astounded at the incredible amount of fish around the jetty at the Perhentian Kecil. It was morning so it was probably time for the fish to feed. And feed they do in incredible numbers. It was the first time I have seen fish in such numbers, that is in person. I have seen videos of sardine migration where they would cover the entire coast for miles. This seemed to be a much smaller version, however it was still just as impressive. I couldn’t really see what the fish were feeding on since we were too far from them. In some parts of the water, they were so numerous that they turn the waters black. I was amused to see how they would try to form a ball in order to protect themselves, just like in the documentaries.

Fish Trying to Form a Protective Ball

Fish Trying to Form a Protective Ball

With this number of fish, it was not surprising to see predators come to take advantage of them. Amidst the chaos of the large school of fish lurks danger. There were several much larger fish lurking nearby waiting for a chance to pounce on their meal. You would know this when you hear a large commotion in the water, sounding like a large splash. Though the fish may be big for the small fish, there are even bigger predators here – man. The fisherman here was basically biding his time to catch one of the big fish here. He uses a technique which I can only discribe as spear fishing. He has a pole with several sharp points and he flings it into the water much like a harpoon. He gets lucky sometimes though I don’t seem him catch any yet. So this is where all my meals come from.

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