Inside the Maze at Huanghua Formation at Yuanmingyuan Park 圆明园

The Pavillion at the Center of the Maze in Yuanmingyuan Park 圆明园

The Pavillion at the Center of the Maze in Yuanmingyuan Park 圆明园

It was fun navigating the maze at the Huanghua Formation at the Yuanmingyuan Park. The maze was small and easily navigable. Most adults will be tall enough to see exactly where you need to go to get to the center of the maze. I was busy trying to get photos of the maze as it was amusing me so much. I felt bad since I didn’t have a ultra wide angle lens to be able to get photos of the entire maze. I even followed some more adventurous folk who climbed the walls of the maze to get a better view.

Lost or Just Photographers?

Lost or Just Photographers?

Some were more adventurous, climbing some even taller structures within the maze. Being the klutz that I was, I was fearful of climbing up even further and just settled on the normal wall height. At the very center of this all was a European style pavillion which was everyone’s target when they enter the maze. There wasn’t really anything special about the pavillion except that it was distinctly European in design. There were already a lot of vistors who converged on the pavillion that quickly made me lose interest in the pavillion. Either way, there was so much more see in this park.

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