Other Buildings in the Puppet Emperor’s Palace 伪满洲皇宫

An Elegant Building in the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

An Elegant Building in the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

The Puppet Emperor’s Palace in Changchun wasn’t as big and as tiresome as the real one in the Forbidden City in Beijing, however this doesn’t mean it is small either. Much like the Forbidden City, the Puppet Emperor’s Palace is composed of several buildings and it even has small gardens within its walls to keep it occupant busy. The Puppet Emperor’s Palace had a building for official functions and just walking into it would give visitors and idea of how important these places are.

An Important Looking Room at the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

An Important Looking Room at the Puppet Emperor's Palace 伪满洲皇宫

It is quite strange to be wandering around the Puppet Emperor’s Palace, at times it really feels like visiting a rich person’s home. You feel this when you see the bedrooms and the study of the palace. However, there are times when it feels like you are in a hotel of some sort, you know, the type which have boardrooms and places where important meetings happen. There were a lot of stories involved in some of these room which involve concubines and how Puyi lived with them. Some of the concubines even have their own rooms here in the palace, though for some of them it was more of a prison as Puyi didn’t even want to see them.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PuppetEmperor’sPalace.kmz} zoom=19]