Buddha Statue in Jile Temple 极乐寺

Buddha Statue at the Jile Temple 极乐寺

Buddha Statue at the Jile Temple 极乐寺

It was inevitable that there would be a Buddhist statue at the Jile Temple. The temple has been lackluster so far devoid of any interesting places to see here. I was about to call it quits which I walked into this plaza inside the temple grounds. At the center of it all was a Buddha statue which is made of bronze. The Buddha statue reminds me of the Buddha statues I saw in Myanmar a few years back. This one looks much newer though. I doubt that the Buddha statue was built for tourism purposes though seeing as how they don’t really have a lot of tourists here.

Metal Pagoda at the Jile Temple 极乐寺

Metal Pagoda at the Jile Temple 极乐寺

The Buddha Statue in Jile Temple stands as a silent observer to the people visiting the temple. Any people who pass by the statue quickly clasp their hands and bow in front of it. The statue itself isn’t anything special either. It is flanked by metal pagodas on each side just for kicks. The people didn’t seem to mind me taking photos here in the temple and I naturally did my best not to be intrusive this this is a place of worship.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/JileTemple.kmz} zoom=19]