Noodle Dinner at Daoli District 道里区

Hearty Dinner of Noodles at Haerbin 哈尔滨

Hearty Dinner of Noodles at Haerbin 哈尔滨

There wasn’t much to see in Guogeli Avenue after the Indian Street. I must have walked several blocks back to the Hongbo Square when it started to grow dark. I’m really not used to the shortness of the day here and I was making me think of heading back. Even though it was still around four in the afternoon. One thing good about this is that I don’t have to fight for transportation if I go back at this hour. I know that taking cabs in Chinese cities during rush hour is a lost cause. Besides, I think taking public transportation is more challenging and infinitely more interesting.

Noodle Shop at Daoli District 道里区

Noodle Shop at Daoli District 道里区

I took a bus from a large shopping center in Hongbo Square and head back to Daoli District. It was only a matter of remembering where the bus passed by and remembering the bus number itself. With darkness approaching and I was already at Daoli District, I had nothing to do. I got some rest at the hostel because heading out again for dinner. I didn’t find anything interesting to eat that day so I decided to just go for some old fashioned noodles. It was a good choice given that it was cold and the soup would warm me up. There was nothing special with the noodles anyway such that I didn’t even bother getting the name of what I ate. Anyway, it was cheap and it was still filling.

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