Going to Guanqian Street 观前街

Arch at the Entrance of Suzhou's Guanqian Street 观前街

Arch at the Entrance of Suzhou's Guanqian Street 观前街

Just around the corner near the Yaba Shengjian where we had a quick lunch, we ran into the pedestrian shopping street that is Guanqian Street. I don’t know if this was by design of just our luck but we found something to do at last. We were scheduled to leave Suzhou that evening and we were just spending the time looking around the city. Guanqian Street is also near our hostel so it was quite convenient for us to look around this place.

Guanqian Street 观前街 Another One of Your Typical Chinese Pedestrian Shopping Street

Guanqian Street 观前街 Another One of Your Typical Chinese Pedestrian Shopping Street

Guanqian Street is another typical Chinese pedestrian shopping street. As you can probably see from my other travels in other Chinese cities, individual cities seem to make it a point to build their own shopping street, so it is not surprising to see Suzhou, a large city, to have its own shopping street. The shopping area is a few blocks long and it has numerous shopping centers built here. As usual, there are a lot of people here so I was on the alert for unscrupulous people. As for my friend, she finally got the energy to go around, this really is her thing after all.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GuanqianStreet.kmz} zoom=19]