The Humble Administrator’s Garden 拙政园

A Pavillion Beside the Lake in the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园

A Pavillion Beside the Lake in the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园

The Humble Administrator’s Garden 拙政园 is the largest Chinese classical garden in Suzhou, such it is fame for garden design that it was not only acclaimed in China throughout the centuries but also elevated to the status of a UNESCO World Heritage site. The garden is probably Suzhou’s single most important tourist sight and as a result droves of tourists come here. You might as well forget about getting a great photo here without any people. The entire garden is huge, I won’t even call it a garden because of its size. To truly appreciate the garden one would need to explore all 13 acres of it.

Lovely Lake in the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园

Lovely Lake in the Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园

We purchased tickets at the entrance of the garden and proceeded to explore the place. As expected there were a lot of plants, what I noticed though were some colorful flowers which definitely don’t look like Ming Dynasty style and look more like 20th century Chinese style. There were paths for visitors to explore the place and I must say that I was intimidated by the size of the place. One would come thinking that a garden would be small but this one was really huge by any standards. It has trees, pavillions, temples, lake, and even miniature mountains.

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