Huayan Hall 华严殿

One of the Sakyamuni Trinity in Buddhism at the Huayan Hall 华严殿

One of the Sakyamuni Trinity in Buddhism at the Huayan Hall 华严殿

Unlike the previous hall, the Huanyan Hall actually houses at Buddhist statue. But before that, there was a special feature just outside the Huayan Hall, this one has a small “garden” with some scupltures. Actually, one of the sculptures was a replica of a mountain – Chinese style. The mountain has a small passageway which makes it looks like a cave, but it actually leads all the way into the platform where the Huayan Hall was built on.

The Sakyamuni Trinity at the Huayan Hall 华严殿

The Sakyamuni Trinity at the Huayan Hall 华严殿

Anyway, inside the Huayan Hall, there were three primary Buddhist statues. The statues are of Sakyamuni, Manjusri and Samantabhadra. Sakyamuni was the historical Buddha, Manjusri is associated with wisdom and Samatabhadra is associated with the practice of Buddhism. Together they form the Sakyamuni trinity – similar to the Holy Trinity of Christianity. Unlike the Grand Hall of the Great Sage, the statues here in the Huayan Hall were colored in more realistic tones – that is if you ignore the hair, which was still blue.

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