Furniture Exhibit at the Shanghai Gallery 上海博物馆

Care to Sit on This?

Care to Sit on This?

I was already starting to get tired of this museum, it has so many things to see, no wonder they say you can spend an entire day just admiring the things on display here. My friend and I was just rushing through the other exhibits when her friend was busy photographing every single thing on display. And I thought I was bad enough. I guess this is how it feels to go on a trip with me. We passed by the Furniture exhibit but our friend wanted to just take a peek.

Imposing Table on Display at the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆

Imposing Table on Display at the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆

As the name implies this showcases the beauty of Chinese furniture through the years. I was imagining furniture that was used by the emperors, but these were more “ordinary” ones which were used by the nobility and the rich. Some of the furniture were simple tables and chairs, but some exhibits were awesome displays of craftsmanship. Entire tables were carves with intricate patterns on them. The type where you sit on them will give you funny patterns on your butt. There was also a table whose legs are also carved in intricate patterns. It was incredible to see these types of furniture. I was glad we didn’t skip this part.

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