Seventeen Arch Bridge 十七孔桥

A Look at the Seventeen Arch Bridge 十七孔桥 in the Summer Palace

A Look at the Seventeen Arch Bridge 十七孔桥 in the Summer Palace

Right next to the Spacious Pavillion was one landmark which would be quite hard to miss. The Seventeen Arch Bridge is the longest bridge in any imperial garden. So named obviously because of its seven arches. The bridge connects the mainland with a small island on the lake. The island is called South Lake Island 南湖岛. I have seen the bridge right from the entrance of the Summer Palace and it has also been visible from much of the lake as I walked around it.

Another Angle of the Seventeen Arch Bridge 十七孔桥

Another Angle of the Seventeen Arch Bridge 十七孔桥

As streams of tourists poured on to the bridge, I was thankful that the bridge was large enough to fit all those tourists. The feet of the bridge are carvings of some creatures while the bridge itself has 500 stone lions in various poses. The bridge is probably one of the last major sites I would be able to visit here in the Summer Palace. It took me almost the whole afternoon to get here too.

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