Towards the End of Jungle Trail 9A

Farm From Jungle Trail 9A

Farm From Jungle Trail 9A

I have been walking a good hour after passing the Robinson’s Falls and I still haven’t seen any sign of civilization. The jungle is as thick as ever. The path grows increasingly less worn out. In fact, the trail got so bad that there sometimes it wasn’t even a foot across. I started to wonder whether or not I was on the right path. There were no more signs here pointing out that way. I didn’t see any other fork in the trail so I could only go forward. The trail was so bad there were really quite dangerous parts with large fallen trees in the way. Now I understand why the trail here is not worn out. Most sane people would have already turned back thinking the same thing.

There is Hope, I am Not Lost

There is Hope, I am Not Lost

My only consolation was the fact that the water pipe is still along the trail and at a certain point it sprung a leak and spurts out water into a fine spray. Against the bright sunlight, the water spray created a miniature rainbow as if telling me, there is hope, I am not lost, and not to give up. The trail continued on and I merely followed the water pipe since it obviously had to lead somewhere. I finally heard the sound of water implying that the ground was quite near. And true enough I manage to catch a glimpse of civilization as there was a break in the jungle and I can see a small farm, I was still quite high in the mountain. But if I really needed help I guess could give the farmers a shout. At least I know the trail is about to end. I estimate about 45 minutes more of walking.

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