Indein Village

Ruined Pagodas in Indein

Ruined Pagodas in Indein

Our boatman gave me instructions on how to explore the village in Indein. I just need to follow the road from the river and the go past the market cross a bridge and turn right. Sounds simple. Following the road from the river was simple enough but the point about the market was a little tougher. As I kept walking, I couldn’t find anything that resembles a market. There was an open area with some covered stands that could have been a market at one time or another. However, this market was not operational at that time so I wasn’t really sure where I was.

Entering the Area

Entering the Area

Nevertheless, I continued on past that “market” and crossed a bridge, which I do not know whether it was “the” bridge. I came across this covered walkway with a lot of souvenir stalls. So I guess where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I must be in the right path since souvenir stalls won’t be setting up where there is nothing interesting in the area. A friendly guy saw that I had a camera and approached me and pointed as some temples just behind the stalls.

It's a Tractor, It's a Truck!

It's a Tractor, It's a Truck!

The ruins were in a nice ruined state giving the temple ruin in a jungle feel. I could even stand on some of the ruins to get some better angles. The Burmese was also pointing me to some interesting features that I may want to take photos of. He seems to know good shots to since he would ask me to stand in certain spots just to take a photo of something.

One of the Pagodas

One of the Pagodas

After I was done exploring the ruins in that area, expectedly, he asked me to buy something from his stall. Actually, it is “stalls” since he has at least three of them. Unfortunately for him, I don’t need any of his stuff. I thanked him for pointing out the ruins behind and continued on my way.

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