Gaw Daw Palin Temple

Gaw Daw Palin Temple

Gaw Daw Palin Temple

Not too far from Kaungmon Restaurant, we went to our next stop in our temple tour. This is the Gaw Daw Palin Temple. The Gaw Daw Palin Temple was built by King Narapatisithu, but was only completed his successor. The Gaw Daw Palin has a structure similar to the Htilominlo Temple except that in the case of the Gaw Daw Palin Temple, it is almost completely white in color. Of course the white color has slowly faded over the years but it still retains that elegant look.

One of the Buddhas Guarding one of the Entrances

One of the Buddhas Guarding one of the Entrances

The two storey temple has four entrances and each of them are guarded by a Buddha. It practically has the same blueprint as the Htilominlo Temple. I’m already starting to see some of the more common patterns that the ancient builders were using. I would have to admit that this form is the more pleasing one for me.

Faithful by the Buddha

Faithful by the Buddha

This is one of the more visited temples of Bagan and is considered one of the largest in Bagan. Evidence is in the numerous worshippers inside the main entrance of the temple. They were just sitting there and praying, others were just chatting and maybe taking shelter from the harsh sun.

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