The Long Climb Back

View of the Rice Terraces from the Top

View of the Rice Terraces from the Top

I think I got enough rest from the Bomod-ok Waterfalls to begin the climb back to the ridge where the jeepney dropped me off. I was careful to mind my steps since I already had a nasty slip in the damp area of near the waterfalls. It was already approaching noon time and the sun was already beginning to bear down on us. The cool mountain weather is starting to wear off, most especially that I still needed to climb a mountain for an hour, probably longer now.

Endless Flight of Stairs

Endless Flight of Stairs

The route from the falls to the terraces was easy enough since it was mostly flat terrain. But then the dreaded stairs started. Step by step I dragged myself up the endless flight of stairs, at one point I noticed a kid who was tasked by his parents to bring firewood was slowly making his way up the same flight of stairs I was in. He had this heavy-looking log on his shoulder. It was sort of surprising to see children to be asked to do this but this is their culture. I do not think this should be considered child labor since these are considered chores, not jobs.

Majestic Rice Terrraces on the Way Back

Majestic Rice Terrraces on the Way Back

It tried my best to stay ahead of the kid with the log but in the end I couldn’t keep up with him. He overtook me in a short while and like my guide, not even breaking a sweat. He probably could have carried me along with him and still won’t break a sweat. Come to think of it, he probably has that training everyday when he needs to go to school which is beyond the valley. Fortunately, there was only my guide to witness my humiliation in the hands of that kid.

Kid Overtaking Me

Kid Overtaking Me

I had to take several short breaks to catch my breath and to “take photos”. The view was just as amazing as when I first arrived. There were clouds which cast shadows on the rice terraces giving some interesting contrasts in color. I really needed to hurry since it was already very hot. I guess it was kind of strange to see me with a sweater on my waist and sweating it all the way to the top. Anyway, with the last ounce of my strength, I made it.

Leaving His Client Behind

Leaving His Client Behind

The jeepney driver from that morning was right there waiting for me but it seems that he won’t be going anywhere soon. However, there was another jeepney that was taking in passengers and it will be leaving much earlier than the other guy. There was nothing really to do around here so I took the jeepney and soon we were off for Sagada. In the meantime, I will just relax and enjoy the ride.

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